Developing Policy at IWCC

A fundamental part of IWCC's Mission is to coordinate policy development related to the Internet's system of unique identifiers.

We employ open and transparent policy development mechanisms that promote well-informed decisions based on expert advice, and in collaboration with entities most affected by policy development. Learn how you can participate.

Application Process

Application Steps 申请步骤:

1. Fill out the application form online, providing personal information and qualifications. 在线填写申请表,填写个人信息和资格背景。

2. Submit educational and work experience proof, including scanned documents. 提交学历证明和工作经验证明,需附上扫描件。

3. Pay the application fee and confirm payment. 支付申请费用并确认支付。(费用详情参考文件“考试指南”

4. Attend training courses and take the exam; candidates will receive notification of their results afterward. 参加培训课程和考试,完成后会收到成绩通知。


Exam rules-培训要求.pdf

Exam rules.pdf

traning duration-培训时长.pdf

traning duration.pdf

F-04 Candidate Attestation Agreement 考生须知.pdf

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